Episode 5: Stepping Up and Seizing the Moment — Leading in Times of Uncertainty and Change With Eric Berridge


If you are a leader wanting guidance on how to navigate this time of change and uncertainty, this is the episode for you.

Our guest, Eric Berridge, is one of the most inspiring, compassionate, creative and hard-working leaders we’ve ever met. In this episode, we harvest the learnings he gained from starting his company right after 9/11 to navigating the financial crisis, to then selling his company to IBM. 

In this interview, learn about ways YOU can step up your leadership game through authentic communication, transparency, hard work and sharing your vision with as many people as possible.

Johanna Beyer

Johanna Beyer is the founder and principal of On Your Path Consulting. Since 2002 she has been working one on one with people who feel that they are at a crossroads in life. She specializes in supporting individuals who feel unfulfilled with their current careers and are ready to create their next stage of work that is challenging and purposeful. 


Episode 6: Grounded In Miracles — Using Mindfulness to Carry You Through the Toughest Journeys of Life


Episode 4: Our Teachable on Transformational Thinking and the Power of Intuition