

Leadership Development

Our high impact leadership development workshops enable new and experienced leaders to develop the emotional intelligence, communication and mindset to more effectively lead themselves, lead others and lead their business with impact.


  • Increase your awareness of the internal and external barriers to success.

  • Develop greater appreciation for the impact of thoughts, feelings, language and behavior on performance and results.

  • Learn powerful tools to lead others with increased empathy, flexibility and trust.

  • Enhance your ability to “walk the talk” and lead by example.


Team Alignment

The Team Alignment offsite will include a powerful process for achieving and sustaining team performance, built on trust, commitment, communication and shared values, providing a solid platform from which to lead. Through rich discussions, interactive exercises and the creation of a safe space for people to really open up, your leadership team will learn powerful tools and insights to enhance the key elements of a high performing team:

  • Trust

  • Communication & Conflict Resolution 

  • Commitment

  • Personal Accountability

  • Focus on Results


Executive Coaching

Executive coaching provides a deeper way for each leader to enhance their emotional intelligence, communication and leadership impact. We offer pragmatic tools, direct feedback and in-the-moment coaching to create real and lasting behavior change.


  • Gain new insights and awareness about the behaviors that impact your effectiveness.

  • Build resilience and adaptability to better manage yourself in the midst of chaos.

  • Relate to others with greater empathy and impact.

  • Appreciate the powerful effect our mindset and beliefs have on our performance and results.


The Enneagram Experience

The Enneagram Experience is an interactive offsite designed for teams of all sizes that are ready to learn new ways to lead with increased self-awareness, understanding and creativity. Using the ancient Enneagram tool, we help individuals see clearly the ways they may hold themselves back and support teams to release limiting patterns that keep them stagnant. Participants will have several opportunities to learn about their type and other people’s types, engage in self-reflective exercises and coach one another using the Enneagram tool. The Enneagram Experience helps individuals and teams to:

  • Better understand their core motivations, blind spots and strengths.

  • Gain strategies to improve communication and feedback.

  • Exercise more choice over responses to challenging situations, rather than reacting. 

  • Release old, repetitive patterns that limit their potential and professional impact.

  • Get to know each other in new and illuminating ways.

Case Study

Discover how leadership development, self awareness and the creation of a people-centric organization impacts revenue, retention and morale.