Get Coached: On Healing Work Burnout and Detaching from Praise


Do you have a hard time turning work off and tuning into your own needs? Do you think that failure is NOT an option? How attached to praise are you? 

Meet Nicole, a hard-charging, energetic and successful sales leader who would work fourteen-hour days to win praise. When it did not come her way, she would feel resentful which would lead her to get back on the hamster wheel and work even harder. This unsustainable pattern resulted in no hobbies and no life outside of work. 

In our coaching conversation, learn new ways to prevent burnout, celebrate PROGRESS over PERFECTION, embrace failure and see what tuning into your own needs can look like. Success doesn’t need to be painful.

Johanna Beyer

Johanna Beyer is the founder and principal of On Your Path Consulting. Since 2002 she has been working one on one with people who feel that they are at a crossroads in life. She specializes in supporting individuals who feel unfulfilled with their current careers and are ready to create their next stage of work that is challenging and purposeful.

Get Coached: On How to Be a Visionary Leader


Get Coached: On Combating Impostor Syndrome